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Physical Wellness

Is your body holding on to trauma? 3 TREADMILL TIPS TO HELP YOU FEEL BETTER Today.

Tracey treats her trauma by trotting on the trail and treadmill. (Now say that 3x fast) “Eff you.” I mutter vehemently under my breath as I push through my run on the treadmill. Actually screaming it out loud might feel cathartic, but with the persistent noise my treadmill makes, I’m already toeing the line with…

Mental Wellness

Is your body holding on to trauma? 3 TREADMILL TIPS TO HELP YOU FEEL BETTER Today.

Tracey treats her trauma by trotting on the trail and treadmill. (Now say that 3x fast) “Eff you.” I mutter vehemently under my breath as I push through my run on the treadmill. Actually screaming it out loud might feel cathartic, but with the persistent noise my treadmill makes, I’m already toeing the line with…

Relational Wellness